Page 4 - Boat hire & yacht charter in Saint-Cast-le-Guildo, France

Here are all the boats in the vicinity

These boats available around Saint-Cast-le-Guildo, may also be of interest to you!

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Saint Cast est un bon emplacement pour voir le cap Frehel et ses alentours.
Saint Cast est un bon emplacement pour voir le cap Frehel et ses alentours.

How to choose the best type of boat for Saint-Cast-le-Guildo?

If you are looking for the most suitable boats, the RIB are an excellent choice. Number of boats available :

  • 1 sailboat
  • 2 RIB

Don't have a licence?

You can rent a boat with a skipper (a professional who pilots the boat) from our selection of 1 boats. A true expert of the region, he will be able to guide you to the nicest spots.

How to rent a boat in Saint-Cast-le-Guildo?

Determine your sailing date, and if you need a skipper and search the site among the 3 listings available at Saint-Cast-le-Guildo. Once the booking is confirmed, you must deposit the deposit, sign the contract and off you go. At the end of the rental, you can leave a review of your experience.

How much does it cost to rent a boat in Saint-Cast-le-Guildo ?

From £165,04 you can access the starting prices of the boats for rent.

How many people can board a boat?

The boarding capacity depends on the size and load capacity of the boat. The boats available at Saint-Cast-le-Guildo offer maximum capacities ranging from 3 to 12 persons.

Information about boat rental in Saint-Cast-le-Guildo

Number of boats: 3 Boats
Licence: Mandatory license
Minimum price: £165,04 / day
Type of boats: RIB , Sailboat , Canal boat , Luxury Yacht , Jet ski , Motorboat , Catamaran
Skipper: boat with skipper

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