The Back Loop yacht is the first Polish unit on the island of Sal in the Cape Verde archipelago. The consistently beautiful weather, together with almost ideal conditions for ocean sailing, will allow us to easily visit all 7 corners. Each of the islands has its own atmosphere, and we want to discover them with you. From underwater adventure, through fresh fish that we can catch and prepare ourselves, to mountain hikes with a tropical accent. A few ...
The Back Loop yacht is the first Polish unit on the island of Sal in the Cape Verde archipelago. The consistently beautiful weather, together with almost ideal conditions for ocean sailing, will allow us to easily visit all 7 corners. Each of the islands has its own atmosphere, and we want to discover them with you. From underwater adventure, through fresh fish that we can catch and prepare ourselves, to mountain hikes with a tropical accent. A few words about us... We are not the first to decide to live this way, i.e. to drop everything, buy a yacht and hit the road, but this is how we imagined our lives. We set the Cape Verde Islands as the goal of our trip because of their still untouched nature and excellent conditions for windsurfing. We love water sports, we have our own equipment, so if you want to combine active recreation with sailing, we are here for you. Additionally, during our trip from Greece, we perfected our original recipe for tuna tartare ;) ENG version The Back Loop yacht is the first Polish vessel on the island of Sal in the Cape Verde archipelago. Consistently beautiful weather together with almost perfect ocean sailing conditions will allow us to visit all 7 corners with ease. Each of the islands has its own atmosphere, and we want to discover them with you. From an underwater adventure, through fresh fish that we can catch and prepare ourselves, to mountain hiking with a tropical twist. A few words about us... We are not the first ones who decided to live like this, i.e. to drop everything, buy a yacht and hit the road, but this is how we imagined our life. We chose Cape Verde as our destination for its still unspoilt nature and excellent windsurfing conditions. We love water sports, we have our own equipment, so if you want to combine active recreation with sailing, we are here for you. In addition, during our trip from Greece, we perfected our original recipe for tuna tartare ;)
Jacht Back Loop to pierwsza polska jednostka na wyspie Sal w archipelagu Wysp Zielonego Przylądka. Niezmiennie piękna pogoda wraz z niemal idealnymi warunkami do żeglugi oceanicznej pozwoli nam z łatwością odwiedzić wszystkie 7 zakątków. Każda z wysp ma swój klimat, a my chcemy odkrywać je razem z Wami. Od podwodnej przygody, poprzez świeże ryby, które sami możemy złowić i przyrządzić, aż po wędrówki górskie z tropikalnym akcentem. Kilka słów o nas... Nie ...
Jacht Back Loop to pierwsza polska jednostka na wyspie Sal w archipelagu Wysp Zielonego Przylądka. Niezmiennie piękna pogoda wraz z niemal idealnymi warunkami do żeglugi oceanicznej pozwoli nam z łatwością odwiedzić wszystkie 7 zakątków. Każda z wysp ma swój klimat, a my chcemy odkrywać je razem z Wami. Od podwodnej przygody, poprzez świeże ryby, które sami możemy złowić i przyrządzić, aż po wędrówki górskie z tropikalnym akcentem. Kilka słów o nas... Nie jesteśmy pierwszymi, którzy tak właśnie postanowili żyć, czyli rzucić wszystko, kupić jacht i wyruszyć w drogę, ale tak właśnie wyobrażaliśmy sobie nasze życie. Postawiliśmy za cel naszej podróży Wyspy Zielonego Przylądka ze względu na swoją jeszcze dziewiczą naturę i doskonałe warunki do windsurfingu. Uwielbiamy sporty wodne, mamy swój sprzęt, więc jeśli chcesz połączyć aktywny wypoczynek z żeglarstwem to jesteśmy tu właśnie dla Ciebie. Dodatkowo podczas naszej podróży z Grecji autorski przepis na tatar z tuńczyka doprowadziliśmy do perfekcji ;) ENG version The Back Loop yacht is the first Polish vessel on the island of Sal in the Cape Verde archipelago. Consistently beautiful weather together with almost perfect ocean sailing conditions will allow us to visit all 7 corners with ease. Each of the islands has its own atmosphere, and we want to discover them with you. From an underwater adventure, through fresh fish that we can catch and prepare ourselves, to mountain hiking with a tropical twist. A few words about us... We are not the first ones who decided to live like this, i.e. to drop everything, buy a yacht and hit the road, but this is how we imagined our life. We chose Cape Verde as our destination for its still unspoilt nature and excellent windsurfing conditions. We love water sports, we have our own equipment, so if you want to combine active recreation with sailing, we are here for you. In addition, during our trip from Greece, we perfected our original recipe for tuna tartare ;)
07 - 31 Jan 2025
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