Boat hire without license in Cavalaire-sur-Mer, France

Here are all the boats in the vicinity

These boats available around Cavalaire-sur-Mer, may also be of interest to you!

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Fantastic day on the boat. Francois was very lovely, communication was quick and we had the best day. I'd definitely do it again. Next year Francois!!

The community's advice on the destination

Cool calm top Didier next year we will be there but around September 15th with the family
Cool calm top Didier année prochaine on sera là mais vers 15 septembre en famille
Departure from Cavalaire, first direction towards the bay of Port-Man at the eastern tip of Port-Cros (35 minutes); very pleasant and well protected from the prevailing winds in the Mediterranean (Mistral in particular). Second destination, the fort of Brégançon (25 minutes); whether you like our presidents or not, this fort is very beautiful and worth seeing, anchoring is easy in a cove protected rather from the east wind (in case of Mistral you will not really be sheltered). Return to Cavalaire (40 minutes) along the coast, between Lavandou and Cavalaire, probably one of the most pleasant in the French Mediterranean).
Départ de Cavalaire, première direction vers la baie de Port-Man à la pointe Est de Port-Cros (35 minutes); très agréable et bien protégée des vents dominants en Méditerranée (Mistral notamment). Seconde destination, le fort de Brégançon (25 minutes); que vous appréciez ou non nos présidents, ce fort est très beau et à voir, le mouillage est aisé dans une anse protégée plutôt du vent d'Est (en cas de Mistral vous ne serez pas vraiment à l'abri). Retour à Cavalaire (40 minutes) le long de la côte, entre le Lavandou et Cavalaire, vraisemblablement l'un des plus agréable de Méditerranée Française).
The area is great, if you need advice you will have information
Le coin est formidable, si vous avez besoin de conseil vous aurez des informations
Very interesting area for navigation
Zone très intéressante pour la navigation

How to choose the best type of boat for Cavalaire-sur-Mer?

The motorboats are considered the best boats in this destination.

  • 5 motorboats

Boat rental in Cavalaire-sur-Mer : how does it work ?

Whether you are looking for a motorboat for a day out with the family or a sailboat for a cruise with friends, book online in a few minutes from among the 5 boat rental offers. Once confirmed, all you have to do is to make the inventory and sign the rental contract to go sailing.

Rates for chartering a boat at Cavalaire-sur-Mer

It is possible to rent boats from £242,99

Boat capacity on a charter boat at Cavalaire-sur-Mer

At Cavalaire-sur-Mer the maximum capacity of the boats for hire ranges from 5 persons to 6 persons.

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